Larisa & Nick- Rock the Dress

They come in many different names.  Rock the Dress, Cherish the Dress, Trash the Dress, and even Day After Session.. (even though they don’t have to take place the day after your wedding.)  They all do the same thing.  They give you a chance to wear your wedding gown again, get all pretty and feel like you did the day of your wedding, minus the jitters.  But I feel the Rock the Dress session, or whatever you decide to call it, is SO important mainly for one reason.  TIME!  On your wedding day, we are on a time constraint.  After the ceremony is over, we have your family formals and also your bridal party pictures, and that doesn’t leave us with hardly any time for the pictures for the two of you!!  Which is the most important part!!  Of course, I do my very best to get the most out of this time, before it’s time to dance the night away at your reception.  It seems like a no-brainer to me!  We get to spend a full HOUR, or even two hours if you want, purely focused on you and your fiancee.  And you don’t have the stress of the wedding day following you around.

Larisa, Nick and I couldn’t wait to get started on their session.  Larisa looked so utterly amazing.. BREATHTAKING, really.  Between the two of them, whew, God did good.  A freak cold front came through that day, but Larisa was such a trooper!  I know she had to be freezing!!  Luckily, she brought her grandmother’s fur coat for a few pictures.  She looked like a million bucks.  So happy we got to do this shoot, and that I got to work with them again.  It’s always a pleasure to have them in front of my camera!!

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