I loveee this family! I know Kim from when I lived in New Orleans. She was my boss’s boss at Jenny Craig, and I absolutely LOVED working with her! While being the head lady, she still knew how to have fun. When Katrina happened, I never would have guessed I would have seen Kim or any of my co-workers again. It was such a sad time, but we received so much support from each other and the other JC centers in our region. A few months later, I moved to the Tampa area to be with my husband, and I remembered that Kim is originally from here, so I gave her a call and it turns out she moved back here too! I was so happy to have a familiar face around, and I was over the moon crazy happy to find out that she was having twins. Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to have photograph their precious family, and even to photograph Kim’s brother, sisters, their families, their dad & even their pets!! This family holds a very special place in my heart!! I count it an honor to photograph them every year, and watch their families grow. And knowing Kim’s girls has made me CRAVE twin girls. People think I’m crazy for wanting twins, but I want duplicates of these sweeties.
No, I did NOT pose them like this! Not only are they total naturals in front of the camera, but they really have that twin psychic thing going on. :)
Seriously, cute, right? GIVE ME TWINS GIRLS!!
Can’t wait for next time, Correia family!!