Meredith & John- Rock the Dress Session

When Meredith mentioned to me that she wanted to do a Rock the Dress session at a fair, I was SO excited!  I’ve BEEN wanting to do this with a couple since forever.  So very happy she brought it up!  She searched when would be a good time to go, and it turns out there was a fair not too long after her wedding!  It was so, so, SO much fun.  Btw, if you love getting attention, wear your wedding dress to the fair.  Everybody loves to ask you questions, wish you good luck, and some people even want to take pictures with you!  As if the big white wedding dress didn’t stick out enough, the red balloons sure did.  When it was time to go on the ferris wheel, I had my assistant, Erica, give me a pep talk because I have a slight fear of ferris wheels, thanks to my sister who kept rocking the cart when I was 10.  I consider that a near death experience.  It took a while for me to get my “sea legs”, but the pictures I got from it are my very favorites from the whole day.  And it was hard for them to pose at just the right time, and hard for me to take the moving pictures so fast.. I’m telling you, that was the fastest ferris wheel I’ve ever seen!  But we did it!!  Teamwork!!

The whole evening was so incredibly fun.  I’m SO glad that we did this!!  Meredith & John– you guys ROCK!

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