Allison & Chris- Wedding

I was practically jumping up and down that this super perfect couple wanted me for their St. Augustine wedding.  I met Allison & her mom over sushi & fell in love with them.  Hate to sound creepy, but it’s true.  They were so cute & I felt that we clicked right away.  I loved the love story that she shared with me.  And guess what, I saved it so you could enjoy it too.  You’re welcome.
“Chris and I met at UCF in the spring of 2008. We were both Marketing majors and had a class taught by Axel Stock (probably the coolest name for a teacher – ever!) It was a senior level class so it was relatively small – probably 40 people. Chris sat on the other side of the classroom and had a cute smile and always had really interesting, smart things to contribute to the class discussion. It was a test day and I was running late and when I showed up my classmates were all studying at tables outside the classroom before the test. Two of my girlfriends were sitting with Chris (ok – so maybe we all thought he was kind of cute). I sat down and realized I had no pencils or scan trons to take the test. Chris had no less than 10 pencils and a new pack of scan trons – he offered me one of each and saved the day. After that day my friends and I became friends with him. He was mad because I showed up unprepared for the test and aced it, while he studied forever and barely managed a C. We hung out regularly in a group of friends until December of 2008. We always clicked and had fun together and just seemed like we were on the same page – but I wasn’t looking for a relationship and just thought that we were good friends. December came and Chris was having a graduation party and his best friend proclaimed after some drinks “You guys are going to get married, I know it.” It caught me off guard and made me wonder if Chris had deeper feelings for me and for the first time I thought…maybe I did too?? Chris had a job offer in California and was moving in February. From January to the second week of February we spent every waking moment we could together – for the first time we were by ourselves, no other friends around and it just clicked – we were in love! So, Chris moved in February – we talked on the phone about anything and everything and how we both hate long distance relationships, but just felt like we needed to take a chance. So, in April of 2009 – I moved from FL (my first time moving out of the state) to CA and I had never even been there before.

In May of 2010 after an intense year together (the loss of Chris’ mom, moving away from family for the first time ever, new jobs, new friends) Chris took me to Paso Robles for the weekend. He said we were just going to get away and also check out some grape fields for his job (he’s in produce). So, we had a great weekend – wine tasting, staying at the sweetest most beautiful B&B, it was just perfect. On the last morning of the trip we had to “meet his boss to go check out grape fields at 7am.” I am not a morning person and tried to get out of it but he kept insisting. So, I finally gave in. We get there and there is a giant basket and a van that says hot air balloons. I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride, but Chris is terrified of heights and when I brought it up previously he immediately started emailing me YouTube videos of hot air balloons crashing and people falling out of the baskets…So I pretty much crossed it off my list after that. The weather was grey and gloomy and we almost didn’t get to go up..but the hot air balloon guy kept saying we would wait a few more minutes to see if it cleared up. Well, it did and it was amazing. After clenching on to the side of the basket for the 20 minutes, Chris calmed down…a little. Then, up in the air, he got down on one knee and popped the question. My response was “Are you kidding me?!?!?” followed by yes. And here we are today!

One Response

  1. I love all the pictures. I was her makeup artist for the wedding party and Allison. I adored her as well. Thank you for capturing the beautiful bride. xo

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