Ruby Jean – 2 months

It’s insane how much babies grow.  Like, you have it in your head that when they’re newborn, they’re going to stay in that stage for a while.  Since I left my niece the first time, she was a little over a week old.  I recently got to spend another week with her while my sister had to go back to work, and Ruby has grown so much!!  She has such a little personality, at less than 2 months!!  At first, it seemed like we had to get to know each other a little bit.  I learned that she likes to be swung vigorously, morning, noon and night.. Especially when she’s trying to go to sleep.  She loves to be held while my sister dances.  Every night, you can find her in the foyer jamming out to every kind of music you can imagine, usually some 90’s jams.  All while Ruby is in her arms, enjoying every moment!  I learned that she likes a specific kind of binky and loves getting her diaper changed, and her best friend is the ceiling fan.  She stares at it, and it’s calming for her.  So yes, I learned a lot this week from my baby niece.  She’s the best, and I couldn’t possibly love her any more.
I took my camera, but didn’t take too many pictures.  I did, however, took a lot with my phone (and videos).  Check out my instagram account.

Half of the pictures I took were when she was laying on her changing table.  She was so happy and giggling, so I grabbed my camera (luckily next to me) and took so many cute pictures.  These are my favorites.

Baby_RubyJeanSP_0005 Baby_RubyJeanSP_0006

Cutest in the whole world, right???  I know.  I know.

And she got to meet her 2nd cousin, Ahmie, who is just a few months older than her.  The automatically held hands, and Ruby was serving up the best faces.


Okay, back to my regular weddings, engagements and boudoir kind of posts.  I couldn’t help myself.  I’m totally smitten with this girl!